Now to write something

April 6, 2011

Seriously do not read if you have no time to spare. I am pretty sure this is my longest post ever, if not the 2nd most. I still have no idea how to use that correctly

Woah. Couldn’t wait for the 2 month mark so gonna start writing like 7 days in advance. Not going to talk about my results for my A Levels, pretty disappointing though. Didn’t get A’s in subjects that I thought I would and got A’s in subjects that shouldn’t  – . – Life is weird sauce

Countdown 1 month to enlistment day, minus a few hours of course. Can’t wait to see what NS has in store for me, not really sure when I am going to start adjusting my bio-clock to sleeping by 2300 and waking up at like 0430. As of now, still sleeping at like 0500 in the morning, mainly due to catching Indian Wells and Miami matches these past weeks. I don’t really see this trend continuing though as we are heading into the clay season which for some reason the cameras, not the points, make me fall asleep faster. But at least the matches will be earlier so that’s a plus

Stopped gym-ing 2 or 3 weeks ago. Gonna focus on calisthenics and cardio for now to prep my body for the rigours of NS(?). Which officially leaves my weight at like 70 kg which I expect to slowly drop in the next month, even more so during BMT.  Totally gonna go off-track of my ideal weight of like 75 kg but hey, I have the rest of my life to reach it. Or at least until a sedentary lifestyle sets in with studies and work and maybe death. So that leaves me with an estimated 4 months to do so from between I come out of NS and when I go into the U. Fuck.

At least I won’t be one of those who will be missing my hair for the next 20 months or so. Tried growing my hair out post-JC life but a combination of not giving a fuck about haircare in addition to shitty hair texture has forced me to leave it short for the duration of the rest of my life I guess, until the next hair fashion thingamajig comes along – which I had secretly hoped and still am hoping it to be short neat hairstyles 😀

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Okay. Gunning for over a thousand words here since, I may not come back to this blog as often as I have a few years ago. So the rest from here downwards is gonna kinda be dribble. Nonsensical dribble of course. The best dribble there is. Also Word Count the past few sentences Woohoo. Random capitalization fucks up your reading dunnit?

You know about those prophetic dreams that take place a few months ago till you realise that you are acting out the exact same scenario in real life. Dreams that ‘most everyone I meet has at sometime or another? Well, been having those more often as of late and closer to the said “IRL acting out”. Of course, nothing as awesome as lottery numbers yet, which I assume are coming of course since there has got to be a limited amount of scenarios that can be acted out in my head until it comes to gambling and crap. I do not know how to play craps, or most die related games.

Of course there are dreams on the other end of the spectrum. Strange thing is that they are so vivid that I can still remember details hours after waking. Problem is, these dreams are wildly ridiculous. Things such as the sun setting and rising continuously, zombie apocalypse(s) pop up many a time as well as a creepy dream in which I am trapped in a place with no exit or anyone around. Weirder still is how in most of these dreams I am fully aware of it being a dream (not in an Inception kind of way) but not quite waking up and seeking to prolong the dream because, well, why not? Such as seeing how my mind handles zombi-fication and what not would be an interesting way at seeing how my mind invents ways to handle complex issues that aren’t. Reading an article about why flying in our dreams happens a lot and rather easily is attributed to the fact that flying itself is simple to emulate in a dream-state as compared to more complex motions that involve our body such as Judo which our body actually knows what it feels like which would be more taxing on our minds. Wow you did not give a crap

So that covers dreams (not aspirations)

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I am starting to think that I may actually be mildly anti-social, not to the extent where I go out of my way to avoid human interaction of course

Whenever I start to engage in more solo activities like listening to music, watching videos, reading books etc (anything but staring into deep space) I actually feel annoyed if someone actually disturbs me or even tries to strike up a conversation with me while I am doing my solo stuff (except for staring off blankly into space of course), doesn’t matter if I know the person or not. There is this feeling that churns within me which feels a lot like anxiety with an annoying twist (may be literal) of course. Which is weird to me since I have always thought of myself as a very talkative person, with an admittedly very thick wall of ice. But actually feeling so much disdain at people who are just trying to be friendly, it really disgusts me.

So to the random strangers that talk to me while I am out, chances are you will never find – certainly never going to read this post – , I apologise for my reaction to you which may make me seem a little arrogant and fully of myself. Yeah that’s all I am gonna say about it.

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Well that brings me to the topic of small talk which I find myself extremely inadequate and unprepared for. Sure I am polite with my greetings and name exchanging but I believe that I fear what is going to come, which is of course nothing. Here are the topics that I feel extremely open about discussing:

Technology, though not in the GP kind of way. Internet trends or memes. Weirdly nerd topics. Videogames. Martial Arts. Tennis. Fat people. Gossip (wow)

Notice the lack of popular sports or cars which would leave me out of most warm-up conversations (or what they are called). Very niche topics I talk about to be honest, and it’s not like I can fish out the above topics easily as they are very distinct from a cultural standpoint except for the latter 2 of course. If I manage to coax out the inner nerd then it’s all fine of course but then social anxiety kicks in beforehand and I get fears of being viewed as this huge nerd come up (which I have come to terms with a long time ago) and I stop talking . Yes I have issues

Which is perhaps the one reason as to why I have a very tight knit group of friends which we talk about any ho-hum thing under the sun. Not that I would ever trade them for more friends of course but if life were a videogame I would not be opposed for a power-up in terms of communication skills, which is lagging far, far behind my proficiency at bullshit to be comfortable

Of course with the opposite sex this narrows down my range of topics even further. Fortunately I have managed to find female friends who have similar interest to me but again, the problem is connecting and meeting new people. Another problem that props up would be that if I really run out of topics I revert to the latter 2, fat people which makes me seem like an ass or joker (depending if the faux arrogance bit is done well enough and I am not crossing any lines) as well as gossip (which they then realise that’s all I talk about).

That in addition to my patented not saying hi to people (which strangely contradicts the 2nd sentence of this stanza) make people say I am antisocial and arrogant. And that was perhaps the worst summary I have written. Woohoo for 12 years of formal English education!

Pfft. Labels

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Lastly, I am really pissed that Diablo 3, Battlefield 3 as well of a whole slew of awesome videogames and movies are coming out during my NS stint. Particularly at Duke Nukem Forever, which they pushed back again, to after my enlistment date -.-

Seriously. Don’t judge me. And no. I am not killing myself, as much as a suicide self note this sounds like when proof-reading

Random Notes:

Wow random notes this time seem to be misplaced. Should be renamed anything I can’t elaborate into more than 2 paragraphs for this post

Yes Sergeant. No Sergeant

Seriously. I have thousands of songs in my iTunes library. Yet when on shuffle, it always manages to find the default songs in iTunes to play. Especially the ‘Maid with the Flaxen Hair’ thing, which still manages to catch me thinking it’s the intro to some track lost in my endless playlist. Possibly an artiste going for a more indie sound. But by the time I realise, song’s more or less over. Damn my oncoming Alzheimer’s…..

It’s hard to sound deep when you aren’t. As well as act smarter than you actually are without looking foolish. So I try not to do both and go in the other direction, almost to a fault of course. Acting the fool in most occasions makes people underestimate you more. The belief that people never know that I am gonna stab them is fun

Signing Off…….. Hey I actually have things to write about

Lemon in ze water

February 12, 2011

I am so epic-ly bored on this Saturday night that I decided to write some random crap

Never will stop rambling.

I need a job like soon. Everyone’s going to be enlisting soon and I guess everyone who is not <pause here, I have no idea what punctuation is supposed to be placed here> is going to find a job sooner or later. Hmm. But I am too lazy to go job-hunting. Procrastination, why you doing this to me bitch?

The Chinese New Year season is still going on and was shocked by how much weight I put on. On Chinese New Year’s Eve I was 69.4 kg but by the wee morning hours of the third day (Meaning the night of the 2nd day) I hit a high of 74.4 kg. Which was totally wtf cause I don’t think I have been above 70 kg since like sec 4. Managed to cut it down to like 70 kg now.

Not really shocked that I gained so much weight since the CNY season means downing so much snacks without feeling bloated at all so it’s inevitable that I would have packed on a few pounds. I was more pissed with the fact that despite trying to gain weight over the past few weeks/months, I have barely put on 2 kg but over the course of 3 days I put on close to 5 kg – . – Something’s wrong with my diet

Oh and that is up there partially to spite all the people who tell me how hard they are trying to go on a diet, whilst eating fast food. In front of me

tl:dr: Bored out of my mind. Need a job. Gained weight. Lost weight. Spite. For the lolz0rs

I totally suck at summaries

Random Notes:

I am somewhat scared of blogspam just because I put the words “need a job” in the post

Fedor fighting in the morning. Hopefully for more than 2 minutes this time around

Need more gold

Signing Off……. And suddenly, A CAT!


January 3, 2011

Woah, haven’t blogged in like almost 2 months. I should have just waited for like the 5th of January to make it a nice round 2 months (or something) but spoiler alert: no one gives a fuck

Not going to talk about A levels of course, which really seems so far away to be honest. Everything was alright until the last week, so let’s just leave it at that.

So the holidays. Hmm.

The month of December has been really interesting. Been going out most of the time which is kind of unexpected and threw off many of my emo plans. Okay not really but really not spending many days at home, which should be a good thing, but it isn’t. First and foremost, this is the part where the lady from Red Alert would go “Insufficient Funds”. Finally have a feeling of how it feels like to be running on a budget, which is partly due to my huge spending sprees after the A levels, which totally drained everything and, feeling like (almost) an American here, leaving on almost no savings, but at least I am not piling up the debts. I am pretty sure the last sentence is a run-off, fragment and nonsensical.

Okay and yes to small extent blogging after so long is a way of making random readers stop reading my blog. Although if you don’t actually know me most of the stuff I write does not actually make much sense – even if you know me it doesn’t even make that much sense

On a last note. First time in my speaking life I have not actually counted down but wait for drunk people around the beach to start cheering. ooooh hindsight

Random Notes:

Here’s a picture to break the monotony of the wall of text

Too lazy to proof-read

Signing Off…………. Wee procrastination. One month already and still yes-no-ing

Not Nearly Enough

November 5, 2010


So the big ‘A’s are coming like real soon (see: Next Wednesday). The first week isn’t so bad though GP and Maths, not much that I can worry about I guess since last-minute studying of the two would be kind of counter productive, not that I have any idea how the hell one is supposed to study for GP. Beginning to worry a lot for GP though, haven’t gotten stellar marks for GP during the whole of J2, managing only a B once unlike last year. Really crappy overall as, for me, luck plays a huge part in my marks since I opt for  random questions for Paper 1, which will either end up as a good piece of writing or going seriously off track.

The second and third weeks hold a lot more I guess. With Econs and Chem rearing its head, it’s funny how I have given up on my H1 Chem. Despite everyone saying that H1 Chem is a free A, for some reason I just cannot understand/learn/memorise anything from it. In fact, I dare say that my GP stands a higher chance of an A then my Chemistry. And Econs, well, fuck it.

Running out of steam fast, slacking throughout this Deepavali, which would not be that bad a thing if I had done as much as I could before I ran out of the figurative coal. Didn’t feel as it I did so much for the A levels though. Sure I was in the school studying like almost everyday but really, the work I did was not really all that much, one or two papers a day in addition to some off-hand reading when I got bored. The fact that being home and playing till 2 in the morning is kind of a waste. Hmm.

I know sometimes I appear as if I am not really worried about the A levels but, I really am. Take it as a coping mechanism of sorts, some people deal with stress with severe depression and emo-ness, I deal with it by not giving a fuck and laughing it off. But it’s all good though. A few more weeks to freedom and worrying about when my letter with my date of enlistment is gonna come

The only bad thing of course is being too weak in the mind to succumb to all the temptations around me and not focusing on the task at hand. Such as what I am doing now -.-

– and Bejewelled of course

Played Halo: Reach – like a boss – with Marists last Sunday, like no one gave a fuck that A levels was the week after and that everyone else was taking Geography which starts on like Monday.

Random Notes:

Nothing better than a lengthy post to waste the time away

Hopefully I won’t have to pull the blog up during the A levels to rant. Such as complaining about the size of an atom and why the %^&* I slept with 45 minutes to spare without doing the last 3 pages

Signing Off………….. Wel that’s strange. Have you tried not banging your head against the wall?

Pfft…. Still bitter over the fact that I didn’t go for K-Pop night, everyone’s saying it was awesome. Lack of calender-reading skills made me think that it was gonna be the A level week. Must make a promise to myself to not miss something like this again, regardless of whether it’s the A level period or not.

Weirdest graduation ever (like 2 weeks ago) which was funny ’cause we were all like studying in the library and having consultations right after haha. How many days left? Not really sure, just that I think I am getting a little burned out from it all. That and wrong answers and solutions given to us really piss me off.

I guess having really sore legs now helps in keeping me from perspiring so much whenever I walk too fast, but it sucks so much when it comes to going down stairs. There has to be a name for coming off a long layoff from gym-ing, which of course the first thing to go would be squats which my weights have really dropped like nobody’s business. Why the sudden urge to gym though, probably due to the guilt of having like fast food for 1 meal a day for the past week, including KFC for lunch and Mac’s for Dinner today. Damn

Random Notes:

Cain beats Lesnar in a rather one-sided affair. JDS next I guess.

Must find less demoralizing papers to do – . –

The new 4 Minute song in Jap is awesome

Signing Off…………… All hail side-ponytails. Well not exactly the side (because that would be weird) but more side-ish then the centre one….? Okay I have no idea what in the world that is. But hail-ness-es are in order nonetheless

We require more gas

October 9, 2010

Prelim results were shite. 3Ds and 2Es which sucks big time as I missed like decimal points on some of my subjects for the next grade, careless mistakes are still being committed and horrible GP results. Lowest for these 2 years of my JC life and it had to come on the last exam before the ‘A’s. Guess it’s time to stop picking and choosing topics based on running my fingers down the question paper -.-

Plus I can’t believe that I got no marks for Mathematical Induction at all.

Probably gonna be my routine for the next 30-odd days.

Wake up. Wash up. Bus. MRT. Assembly. Random Lessons (Catch up on shut eye). Chiong Prelim Papers. Go Home. Watch Starcraft II Vids. Check RSS feeds. Sleep.

Obviously weekdays of course. Don’t know if I have put in enough effort at all. Even at this juncture (love the word), overwhelming drive to go into full hermit mode is practically non-existent. It seems (seems being the objective word) like I have most of the things down, at least in my own head. Struggling only with Chemistry, Nuclear and Quantum 3, Whole of Stats. Yup. The Whole of Stats. I am screwed and you know PnC sucks

And we know of course that studying Econs is useless since you will always do well for two essays and get a freaking L1 L1 for one of them – . –

Random Notes:

White-tee and denim shorts. Damn. Simplicity is beauty. And also distracting

I wonder how many people would like that Bruno Mars song if he made a self-parody involving plastic surgery and his dissatisfaction. But knowing the internet, someone has already pen-ed down this potentially Grammy award-winning song. I know I will love it

Apparently shite IS a word

Signing Off………………….. Lol at shooting down the sun